
Американский сексолог Эдвард Морри недавно опубликовал труд на тему, каких женщин боятся мужчины. Четвертое место захватили властные и агрессивные дамы; третье - физически сильные; второе - слишком интеллигентные. Самым же страшным, с точки зрения мужчин, женским качеством оказалась... красота! 70% опрошенных признались: знакомясь с красоткой, они подсознательно подозревают в ней стерву или распутницу.
Зато перед глуповатыми дурнушками робости у мужчин практически нет…



Different Types of Orgasm, Extended, Expanded & Multiple Orgasms
by Patricia Taylor, Ph.D.

In order to clearly identify the different kinds of orgasms, you must learn to make orgasmic distinctions. Once you understand these distinctions, you will be able to identify what kind of orgasm you are having. If you can identify the direction in which you want to move, you can flow from wherever you are to expanded orgasm - or to regular or extended orgasm. But it all starts with knowing what is on the map.

When presented as textbook definitions alone, these distinctions seem a little dry. Therefore for each, I give a factual definition, and a "feeling" definition as well. And for those of you who like to "see" things, I have added a visual definition, too.

Regular Orgasm

Factual explanation: An orgasm in which climax is the goal. The climax is usually a series of ten to twelve contractions over several seconds. This climax is commonly called "going over the edge." The climax feels extremely good, though brief, and there is often a physical and mental letdown period immediately afterwards. It can be an effective tension release, and, of course, it can create a sense of bonding with your partner.

Feeling explanation: There you were on the dance floor. Suddenly, the DJ played your favorite song. Your partner swept you into his arms, and the two of you danced the perfect dance. At the very crescendo, he whirled you gracefully around, and the world around you transformed into a spinning sea of color, sound, and breeze. Your heart sang in joyful innocence. After several seconds he gradually brought you back into the regular cadence of the dance, which ended soon afterwards.

Visual interpretation: A single mountain peak. You are climbing higher and higher in sensation, until you go over the edge (climax), and then you begin to descend down the other side.

Multiple Orgasm

Factual explanation: Multiple orgasms are a series of regular orgasms experienced over a short period of time. Usually there is only a partial letdown after each orgasm or climax, before climbing up again, to go over another peak. The peaks remain at about the same level of intensity.

Feeling explanation: Your partner tonight is terrific, a real Fred Astaire. He danced that perfect tango with you, only to sweep you off your feet soon afterwards, in a fantastic fox trot. Another winner! And then, the two of you melted into a tantalizing and seductive rumba. You could have won an international contest for that one. And then a whirling waltz, and then, … could there be any more to dance from this point on? Yes, a final dance, the terrific, frantic, electrifying two-step that swept you up and down the dance floor so many times, you lost count. At last, you both rested. Tired but gratified, there were many swirling highlights to remember from this evening.

Visual interpretation: A range of mountain peaks. You go up and over the edge once, come down somewhat but not all the way, and then go up and over again (second climax). You climax to about the same altitude with each climax. At some point, you descend down the other side.

Extended Orgasm

Factual explanation: Extended orgasm is a single orgasm that maintains the level of pleasurable sensation at climax over a period of time. The climax is often rounded or flat like a plateau. There’s no limit in length of time; however, one does need to build up the length of extended orgasm. With practice, many people plateau for an hour or more.

Feeling explanation: You decided to go to a new dance hall. The music seemed to go on and on, and soon, you fell into a sort of trance dance. Your partner led, until even that seemed irrelevant. You were in the dance of the music together. There was a certain point, a certain drumbeat, where you looked into one another’s eyes, and time stopped. You catapulted into a space defined by the fires of a compelling pleasure filling every nook and cranny of your being. For some time, you swirled around, as if gravity no longer existed, and only your desires to touch one another kept the two of you together. After a very long time, you found yourself slowly feeling the floor beneath you, and the rhythms of the dance once again became something you moved to voluntarily.

Visual interpretation: A mountain with a very long plateau, like a great mesa. You climb up to the top. Instead of going over the edge in a short peak, you linger up there, at the edge, for a long while, before heading down the other side. For single extended orgasms, there is one mountain peak. For multiple extended orgasms, there are several mountains, each with its own plateau.

Expanded Orgasm

Factual explanation: Expanded orgasm is a path of expanding both sensual awareness and consciousness while receiving genital stimulation. Expanded orgasm uses one’s own pathways of body, mind, emotion, and spirit to create maximum expansion opportunities. The goal (and focus) of receiving expanded orgasm is simply to feel as much of that pleasure as possible.

Think of filling a container in such a way that not only does the container become more full, but also where the container itself expands. The distinguishing expansion is in the sense of space. There is the sense of one’s entire body experiencing the orgasm, of reaching for an even larger being in which to put all that orgasmic pleasure. In contrast, Regular orgasms are felt primarily in the physical domain.

Expanded orgasms are an added dimension of experience during regular, multiple, and extended orgasm. A regular orgasm, for example, can also be an expanded one. The expanded experience is felt in the body, mind, emotions, and spirit, all at once. The focus is on the entire experience, and not just going over the edge.

You can experience expanded orgasm immediately after the session begins, or later in the session. It starts when one becomes aware of the expansion occurring. Think of expanded orgasm as a domain, a state of being, a realm of consciousness, a condition of feeling everywhere.

When you enter the expanded orgasm state, two things occur simultaneously.

· First, you leave your normal everyday waking state, in which your mental state, your physical state, your emotional state, and your spiritual state are typically separate.

· Second, you enter the expanded orgasm state, where all of these parts of yourself reconnect into one whole experience of yourself.

Feeling explanation: You start with mutual touching and the electricity between you spreads, coursing through your blood and nerves. You are dancing; it matters not where, or to what music. From the moment of contact, your beings merge. The energy of your combined connection fills your body, and expands beyond you two to fill the room. The awareness of all the sensations of sound, sight, touch, taste, and smell fill your dance with further delights. Whether you whirl, or pull away, only to return, you are locked in an energetic pas de deux, glued together in the rapture of the moment, until some unknown future you know not when. At some point, filled with the delights of this dance…or will it be ten dances…. you float back to the floor. You thank your partner with your broad, bright smile and notice him glowing with ecstasy as well.

Visual interpretation: Picture yourself, receiving orgasmic stimulation at a central point of input, possibly the genitals. Then picture that sensation radiating out like a glowing ember over the rest of your body, in pulsating waves. Or, picture tossing stones, in rapid succession, into the same place in a still pond. The ripples extend and expand in waves, gently outward. With increasing numbers of stones, the waves build in energy, and extend increasingly further out, until the whole pond is filled with waves lapping up upon the shores.



Impediments To Intimacy
One major impediment to intimacy between men and women is the speed with which many men become aroused and reach orgasm as opposed to the slower, more leisurely lovemaking women need if they are to have a similar experience. The true lover however will take the time to allow a woman to reach her full sexual pleasure potential. G- spot aware men benefit from the excitement of truly giving emotional as well as maximum physical intimate pleasure to a women.

Few Women Know Their Own Sexual Response
I've had very interesting discussions with retired sex surrogate, Dr. Jerry DeHaan, who shares many experiences as a licensed sex surrogate about inorgasmic women experiencing their first orgasm via his G spot stimulation. DeHaan also shares experiences of women coming to him for counseling (only through a referral from other licensed therapists) who had experienced their G spot or ejaculation but were terrified not knowing that it was a normal part of female sexuality.

Jerry DeHaan as a surrogate took women on a wonderful journey of self-discovery. Women learned about their bodies, the male body and shed ingrained embarrassment and concealment of their physical selves and came instead to find comfort in their natural sexuality. We need more education on meaningful, loving, intimate sexuality in our society rather than our immature tease and titillation. Many women seek much more than just brief thrusting sex. We believe men, through education and open honest discussion, can be empowered to be much more powerful lovers. Caring men would also find the excitement of giving pleasure just as fulfilling as a fast male orgasm.

G-Spot History
Ancient cultures accepted what we've only recently "found". As early as the 4th century B.C., writings have been found that speak of the distinction between a woman's "red and white fluid". Even American Indian folklore mentions the "mixing of male and female fluids" from a female during sex.

In the 20th century, however, Western culture moved toward the belief that women were incapable of such intense orgasm, except by clitoral manipulation. This was reinforced by Masters & Johnson whose research claimed that a woman's clitoris was the only source of female pleasure, even though many women have found that to be far from the truth.

This misguided notion of a woman's sexual potential persisted until 1950 when an article by a Berlin gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg discussed the G-spot area. In his original work he reported that some women had a spot on the inside of the front wall of the vagina which, when firmly stimulated produced intense orgasms and in some women ejaculation of something thicker and slicker than urine during the strongest contractions of their orgasms.

No further serious research was done until Perry and Whipple's 1978 documentation and extensive study which confirmed the article of Dr. Grafenberg. Most sexologist now believe every woman has a G-spot but it may simply be unresponsive from lack of stimulation. It can be made to learn to be responsive, however, by proper stimulation.

Beverly Whipple, coauthor of The G-Spot , says there are two reasons the "spot" was overlooked by so many physicians: "First, because it's on the anterior (front) wall of the vagina, which is an area that's not palpated, and second, when it is palpated you get a sexual response and doctors are trained not to stimulate their patients sexually. But the gynecologists who palpated it with our direction all found it and said 'My goodness! It's there! You're right!' "

Every physician who examined the area not only found it, Whipple claims, but reported back to the researchers that they subsequently found it in every woman they examined!



Результаты Вашего тестирования:

Ваш тип Идеальная женщина.

В вас сильно женское начало. Это проявляется в Вашем поведении, и другие люди это видят и чувствуют. Но если Вы V женщина по биологическому полу, то Вы V идеал женщины! Независимость и самостоятельность V самые ценные в наше время качества, и Вы обладаете ими в полной мере. Свобода проявлений, открытость эмоций, постоянный поиск впечатлений V черты, которые присущи Вам как никому другому. Вы внимательны к близким, заботливы, но умеете не забывать и о себе. Близкий человек не покинет Вас, друг не бросит в беде, взрослые дети оценят Ваш дар им V собственную независимость и самостоятельность. Вы пленяете окружающих. Мир благосклонен к Вам, и Вы отвечаете ему тем же.

У вас есть великолепное оружие V самодостаточность и зрелая чувственность. Сама Ваша жизнь V эротический танец бытия. Танцуйте V и это принесет удовольствие Вам и всем, кто Вас окружает.

Вы можете составить счастье каждому, сами же по-настоящему будете счастливы только с представителями типа Идеальный мужчина.

вот так-то